Thursday, June 14, 2012

{ Farewell Dinner for School Staff }

I was recently helped a group of parents through a "Farewell" dinner for the teachers at our school.
The teachers work so hard all year long, we wanted to thank them.

As usual, the budget is small for these types of events.
We wanted it to be bright, colorful, and cheerful.
So here's what we came up with...

A collection of round tables centered in the room and covered with bright, layered table cloths.

Produce Junction flowers arranged in multi-colored vases.

Sheet music was used for place mats.

"Fancy" folded napkins.

A welcome table that was filled with champagne drinks, topped with popsicles (no pics of that, sorry)

The night was as colorful as the people who attended! It was a huge success thanks to many helping hands and hard workers!

linking up to 
good one

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