Monday, August 5, 2013

{ Decorating with Natural Elements }

If your trying to give your home a little rustic/organic feel, try decorating with mother nature's free accessories.

We're lucky enough to have access to feathers in our own back yard, thanks to our flock of chickens.
Next time you go to a farm, ask the farmer if you could collect some from his chickens. They are easily found all over the ground.

Antlers are hot in home decor right now. Take a stroll through the wood and see what you can find.
That's what we did.
You could also check out flea market, or estate sales.

Use bowls or vases with a little shine to gather and contrast with the natural elements.

There you go. Add a the woodsy feel of nature to your home!

*no animals were harmed for the sake of decorating.

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