Thursday, July 11, 2013

{ My Favorite Wallpaper }

This summer, I'll be refreshing my master bedroom. I never show it here on the blog, but if you follow me on 
instagram, you've seen the nasty green/yellow wallpaper that covers the room.

Although I don't want to re-wallpaper the entire room, there is a little area that would look great with just the right paper.
There is a little entranceway into the bedroom.
I thought it would be the perfect place for some wallpaper.
or...for something a little different. Like this paint by numbers wall...

I've started collecting wallpapers I love on my Wallpaper Pinterest board.
Check it out and you might add a little wallpaper to a room in your home.

I still haven't decided what wallpaper I'll use, but I'll keep you posted.

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