Tuesday, July 9, 2013

{ DIY lamp }

I frequently go to an auction near my house.
When I saw this baby up for grabs, I grabbed it. 

I'm not sure what it was originally used as. But it looked like the perfect lamp base to me.

Lucky for me, this part was already welded on for me. Along with the whole.

But the hole needed to be a little bit larger to fit the lamp part into it.

You can buy a lamp kit at any hardware store. ( I have no photo of a lamp kit for you because I have no patience, and I never took the time to take a photo.)
Thread the wire from your kit up through the base.

Add this little do-hickey before you thread the wire through the metal thingy.

The end of your wire will stick out the bottom of the lamp base - like this...

Find an old lamp shade at your local thrift store, and shred it to pieces. Follow the instructions on the lamp kit and attach the shade to the harp.
(Sorry, no pictures of the lamp kit. But, it's really so simple you don't need them)

Add a little something extra to your shade and you'll have this...

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