Monday, March 5, 2012

The Yellow House Garden

That's a Dash & Albert rug available from the wonderful Sarah at Winton House

These photos are from an article I have written in this month's Australian Womens Weekly.

I was so inspired when I met this couple who live not far from me on the South Coast of NSW.
In under two years they have completely transformed this garden, creating an organic paradise on a small suburban block. A large section of the block was covered by concrete driveways so they had to build up the soil with organic matter before they could even think about planting.

What is also extraordinary about their story is that Mim and Neville lost everything in a bush fire that destroyed their previous home at Glenorie on Sydney's norther outskirts, and have had to start again from scratch. For them the move to the lush south coast of New South Wales was a big step in their healing process.

The "Yellow House" is named after the happy and uplifting colour they painted it. There is very little lawn and most of the block is planted out with mixed plantings of flowers, vegetables and herbs.
I Love:
The path leading up to the kitchen that is planted with aromatic herbs. It makes sense to have your herbs just outside the kitchen within easy reach when its dark.
The mixed plantings of vegetables with flowers keeps the bugs down to a minimum.
The purple planting which contrast the yellow house.

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