Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{ How to re-create your favorite Pin }

I recently pinned this adorable shelf vignette from Heather's Pretty Petals blog.
I starred at it and stared at it and stared at it.  Boy, I love this display.


It's the perfect combination of vintage textures & colors, arranged so perfectly.
Wouldn't you love to have this somewhere in your home?
Me too.

Well, I decided to take on the challenge of re-creating Heather's with items I have laying around the house and a little from local thrift stores and yard sales.

After spending a whopping $7.50, I think I did a pretty good job copy-catting Heather's style.
I laid out all my vintage finds and compared them to Heather's photo of her shelves.
I had colored glass, some silver, a round tray, a metal bird, a white urn like shape, some greenery, 
all the fixings for a great display.

Cleared the mess off my shelves...

Here's the original mess...

And began adding my items, trying to balance texture & color, and layering. Just like Heather did.
Much better then the original collection of crap that was on my shelves.
It's not exactly Heather's, but has the same feel, which is what I was going for.
After all, everybody had their own collection of vintage items.

*This is not meant to be a competition (clearly Heather would win if it was ;)
But, to be a learning tool.  Blogs are meant for sharing.  So if you see something you like, 
try to incorporate in your home.  You can learn so much from Pinterest and Home Decor Blogs.
So, have some fun and copy cat your latest pin, just remember to credit the source and thank them for the inspiration!  (Everybody loves a nice comment!)
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