Tuesday, July 19, 2011

{ Design Board Additions }

Thanks to all of you, things have gotten 
really busy around here,
{not to mention a certain little 2, almost 3 year old boy}

At the request of some of my clients,
 I've added 2 things...
#1 is a sort of  "portfolio" of my favorite
Design Boards.
So, if your looking for inspiration,
you just might find it in one of these.

#2 an email link to make it easier for my readers to follow by email
{now, there's no reason to miss a post!}

So, check out both items in the upper right hand corner.
And thanks again to all of you
for your kind words and support.
I read every email.
{hint, if you asked me a question and I never responded, check to see if you've listed your email in your blogger profile}

Horowitz Bedroom


Fiorella Living Room

Cara Guest Room

Luke's Baseball Room

Liss - Pool Yard

Tiffany's Bedroom

Rainbow Room

McDermott Living Room


Outdoor Living Room
Master Bath



Abby's Room

Farmhouse Dining

Carrie Dining Room

Margolis Boy's Bath

Andrea Kitchen

Andrea & Steve Kitchen

Lisa LR

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