Monday, July 11, 2011

{ Blueberry Ice }

Fresh picked chilled strawberries
and frozen blueberries

The perfect spot for a 
mid-morning snack
on a hot day 

I found this dresser along 
the side of the road last year.
And finally got around to adding some shelves to it.

While the final touches were being put on my kitchen,
 my nephew cut some wood shelves for the spot where the drawers were.
{ *tip* the original drawers were warped and damaged,
 so I left them where I found then and took only the base}

It's perfectly yellow, and perfectly chippy.

To freeze your blueberries, lay them in a 
single layer on cookie sheet 'til frozen.
{that way they won't stick together}

linking here...
The Shabby Nest

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