Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inspiration and Perspiration

My work is a mix of inspiration and perspiration. In the past weeks, perspiration has won out and I have not had much time to be inspired to blog. As a bit of a treat I bought the fall (halloween) issue of Martha Stewart Living ( we get it a month later here in Australia) and I just thought it was great.
There was a fab industrial style house reno in Texas, a spooky but beautiful story on Victoriana style plus a spread on how to decorate with dark colours. It was the best issue of Martha I have seen yet.

I love it when inspiration breaks a week of heavy workload and here are some of my breakthrough images. I hope they speak to you too.

P.S. I couldn't believe the orange industrial shelving. I have had the same thing supporting my bathroom vanity basin for the past 4 years and many visitors, parents especially, have wondered why we haven't got around to replacing it yet. "When are you going to get a 'proper' vanity?" is the usual question. Thanks Martha, if its good enough for you....

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