Monday, July 13, 2009

Stylish Wilderness

We are about half way through a road trip which has taken us down through the pristine coastal wilderness of the Far South Coast of NSW into Victoria. We decided to take a detour at the last minute to remote Mallacoota where a very stylish girl I know, Rosemary Luker, has restored an old guesthouse.
Karbeething Lodge is a charming ramshackle pile on a lake in the middle of nowhere. It is a good hour and a half drive from the nearest big town. I am dying to ask Rosemary how she found it as it really is in a most out of the way spot.
Rosemary and her partner Russell have done a fair bit of redecorating and the result is gloriously faded shabby chic. We and a family from Princeton, New Jersey were the only guests as it's the middle of winter here.
The previous night we stayed at a motel further up the coast which was perfectly clean and adequate but totally lacking in atmosphere, unlike Karbeethong Lodge which was full of thoughtful decorative details. I am wondering why there aren't more places like this...

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