Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mid-Winter Garden

It is mid winter here in the Shoalhaven (2hrs south of Sydney) and the best time of year for gardening. If the sun is shining and its not too windy you can spend all day out there. On a typical Sunday I will venture out early, still in my pyjamas, and check out the progress of my bulbs and vegetable patch.
I have about an acre of garden in the middle of a farm and as I'm really just a city girl dabbling, it is a challenge to know what to do with it. I have kept the front, formal garden green and white with a touch of lavender. It has hedges and lots of green lawn and a long drive with a turning circle in font of the house.
The side and back gardens are unruly and more colourful - more like a cottage garden. There is a bit of a lavender theme emerging as I just love the combination of lavender and green. I have planted giant alliums which will have big purple balls in spring, alongside the purple iris and mauve hebes that were already there. The camellias are in full bloom and my favourite is this large peony-like pink that reminds me of a Manual Canovas fabric.
Even though the trees are bare, the daffodils and jonquils are already out adding some colour. In my small orchard, the mulberry tree is budding profusely with hundreds of baby green mulberries and the tangerine, orange and grapefruit trees are bursting with produce.
I'm just about to make my morning coffee and head out there...

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