Monday, October 11, 2010

{ Separated at Birth }

I've been working on a clients Dining Room recently.
We call it Anthro-Traditional.
Which translates to Funky enough for a hip young couple, but safe enough for the husbands traditional side.
It's not complete yet, but here's another sneak ~

we mirrored the back of the built~ins
I love how it opens up the room
{still need to attach the bottom doors
and do a little interior touch up work}

used Carrie's china and what~nots to accessorize the shelves

glazed the pea green built-ins ~
{which I think everyone was freaked out about at first}

~ waiting patiently for the window seat ~

~ love these babies~

~ gorgie sconces ~

Then, I checked my mailbox this weekend and found this ~

hmmm...whose been peaking in Carrie's window?
{I swear the greens are the same}

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