Friday, October 1, 2010

{ Chandelier }

It all started in Ohio.
At the Country Living Fair.
I met Sue Whitney of Junk Market Style.
First, we were lucky enough to hear her speak at one of the seminars.
Then, I met SUe face-to-face in the Gorilla Glue both.
Then...I deleted all my pictures from the weekend.
{of course, right?}
So I have no photos to show you of Sue's fabulous dishwasher chandelier, I know, what?
{but, I'm sure she post about it soon on her blog}.
Anyhow, just minutes after experiencing Sue's fabulous Harvest Table Talk, I found this ~

gathered my tools

screwed these little do-dads in the ceiling

and this

became this

I'm in LOVE I tell ya'

are you?

okay, just 'cause I couldn't resist
{And I hope nobody sues me}
check this out

a girl can dream, right?
join Donna at Funky junk Interiors Saturday Night Special
for some other great projects too!

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