Saturday, October 30, 2010

Smell The Roses

The past week has been one of those weeks. My mother had a serious turn and is in hospital but is now recovering well.
Thus the lack of posts. I have to say I have been enjoying being around the house for a change this weekend and am enjoying how spectacular the roses are this season, thanks to the rain.

In between writing a few paragraphs for a magazine story in the early hours (before anyone else stirs) I have been popping out to pick some more blooms to enjoy.
My favourites are my climbing Pierre de Ronsard, which has mint green petals with hot pink tips, Julia's Rose which is the most delicate cafe latte colour, and Stainless Steel, a pale grey mauve rose the size of a side plate.
The orange blooms are "Ian Thorpe" named after the famous swimmer. I love them because they are orange, definitely not peach.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

{ The Den }

prepare for the longest post for the smallest room in history...

When we moved into our home this past July this room was the dining room.
But, since I wanted to seat lots of people I switched the dining room to the living room.
Now we have a good size dining room and this little room we call the den.

this room used to look like this

yes, very red.
But with a little time, and even less money it has become one of my favorite rooms in the house.

it's perfect for morning time, when the kids first wake up.
they grab a juice or whatever and head to the den. {it's right next to the kitchen, which you may never see pictures of}

love this little table, which I found in the trash and painted white.
The lamp base was also a trash find, with a shade left over from the previous homeowners {cover in burlap with hot glue}.

I'm currently addicted to these little flowers which I learn how to make from Emily at 
Jones Design Company.

see, teeny

this was the original dining room chandelier.  I spayed it black satin 
{while it was still hung}

shades 99 cents from Lowes with clothesline trim

Armoire from my son's room in our other house.

yes, another trash find {4 of them}

Grocery sign my girls made with sharpie markers
You can see a peek of red wall paper below the sign from before the bead board was installed.
{Painting over wallpaper is a whole 'nother post people}

Brown ticking panels, now living their 3rd round of life in a whole new spot.

Soft seagrass-ish rug I just snagged at IKEA for a steal.
{but for reason of "creative financing" I'm pleading the 5th on the actual cost}

Green shutters I love, and yes, found in the trash.
{I think I might need to start a service where I drive people around on trash days and show them all the good trash spots, right?}

{ L O V E }

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

{ H o l i d a y S h o p p i n g }

Make Holiday Shopping stylish,
easy & affordable!
purchase a

Painted Home
Design Consultation 
Gift Certificate

complete online e-decorating
available world-wide

perfect for newlyweds,
bridal & baby~showers,
first-time homeowners,
men, women, & tweens

on sale for one week only for 
{prices increases after Nov. 3, 2010}
Gift Certificate will be mailed to you, creatively packaged and ready to give, give, give.
Enjoy your Home & your Holidays!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

{ Wreaths }

they're not just for Christmas...

I've recently discovered
& I am in love!  Emily's got great style & ideas.  And her blog is you're warned.
Anywho, she recently started 

 so, I am sharing what I learned through Emily tutorials...
this wreath is my new obsession

and, believe me, this wreath will be up long past the holidays.
It's definitely more of a all year round item then a holiday item.
I'll be selling these wreaths and lots more goodies at the

Holiday Boutique

More info to come on the boutique...
thanks Emily!

Monday, October 25, 2010

giveaway winner

Cover High Res.

last monday i posted a giveaway for the book green interior design by lori dennis. thanks so much to everyone who entered!  i really enjoyed reading how all of you are contributing to a more green environment.  every little bit counts. 

i’m so excited about our winner too because she is about to start building a home!  the winner is anne of a house and home.  anne wrote…


 Congrats Anne!!! 

anne, please shoot me an email with your address when you get a chance so that i can send it to the publisher.  you can find my email on my right-hand sidebar.  thanks!

if you didn’t win but would like to purchase this book yourself you can click here.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Height of Style

This came via my husband's architects' network - an apartment in a pyramid atop the oldest skyscraper in Seattle. Apparently the tenant, Petra Franklin, heard that the space existed (it previously housed a water tank) and lobbied the building owners to let her take a long lease and convert it into a home for her family.
What a space and what amazing views!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ralph Modern

Ralph and Ricky Lauren's wonderful NYC apartment is in the latest Elle Decor. It's really quite minimal for them, but so my clients tell me, the older you get the more you want to get rid of "stuff". Lots of gorgeous details and some quite stunning interior architecture.

{ The Great Pumpkin }

make sure he can find your house

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