Monday, May 17, 2010

Pretty Vs Sleek

I have a theory which I was discussing with my friend Allison over at Pink Fibro. Whenever I do a post on something "pretty" or "decorative" I get lots of comments. I get, well, not much response at all when I post something that is architectural or ultra modern.
Personally, I prefer to live in an interior which is eclectic, personal and the opposite of minimal, but as a design jounalist I can really appreciate a fabulously sleek modern house. I just wouldn't want to live in it.
I think that most people - and most bloggers out there - feel the same way.
I often have this discussion with my husband who is an architect and is particularly good at designing older-style houses with generous proportions and details but feels architectural peer pressure to "do modern".
I'd like to hear what you think.

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