Thursday, May 6, 2010

~It must be a sign~

I love this shoofly pie sign.  It was found in a dumpster behind an
antique store in Lancaster County, PA .  The owners thought I was crazy when I went inside to ask them how much the sign was.

This window I made myself

Here's my newest fav ~ a Susie Harris Knock -Off
when I saw this at Susie's I had to make one.
(after all - I trying to save for a new home, so ordering one
from Susie was not in the budget.) 
But, I highly recommend you run 
right over to Susie's and check out her store,
she's got some great stuff there!
So here's my version of Susie's sign ~

Thanks for the inspiration Susie!
Check out Donna's Saturday Night Special
at Funky Junk Interiors

The Shabby Nest's Frugal Fridays

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