Friday, January 3, 2014

{ Updating a rental apartment }

Would you love it if your mom arranged to have your new apartment furnished and refreshed?
Yup, me too.
This is what this lucky daughter's living room looked like when I left.

This is what it looked like when I got there.

Since it's a rental, we weren't able to paint.
But, pillows, throws and some creative pieces of furniture turn blahh, to BAMM!

A trip to HomeGoods and a discarded dutch door fill out the center of the room.

I had this dutch door coffee table made especially for Brooke. We left most of the hardware.

A bottom shelf was crated from pallett wood.

I added some color and a larger piece under the tv.


Brooke found this larger charcoal gray rug the other day at HomeGoods, so I added this photo most recently.

Pretty cozy now, right?

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