Monday, November 25, 2013

{ Hot Chocolate Stand }

We're going beyond the station this year and making a Hot Chocolate STAND.

If you've met my daughter Camille at any of my events, you know she is a hustler. Always looking for the next great way to fill her piggy bank. And what better way for a kid to make a buck in the winter then to peddle hot chocolate to the freezing locals?

I started my search on Pinterest, where else?
And, one of my favorite stands was this one from Itty Bitty Portraits.

TG, I have a nephew that is a contractor. So having him rummage through my garage for scrap wood and vintage doors is a dream come true.

I found tons of other great ideas for the stand too.
So, while me nephew is outside constructing the ultimate Hot Chocolate Stand, Camille and I will be indoors creating all recipes and extras that will go along with it.
Like recipes, printable, signs, you name it.

(image via Jolly Signs)

(image via World Recipes)

Camille will have the hottest spot in town in no time. 
Check out more cold weather inspiration here.

I also swore I'd throw a sledding party last winter too.
Maybe if I start planning now, I'll be ready before the first snow.

(image via

(image via


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