Friday, February 15, 2013

{ Trend Alert...}

...and just in the nick of time.
I've talked about how I want to paint my dining room wainscoting green, (it's currently white) and add some fun black and white wall paper above the it. (see how great the green goes with the black and white?)

I originally thought I'd add sea-grass wallpaper to the upper portion. But have since changed my mind.
But, I haven't changed my mind about the green wainscoting.

I've always been a white (or some shade of) molding, trim, wainscoting kinda girl.
But the times, they are a changin'.
The trend Gods have spoken and have given my mind permission to go wild. Or, at least to drive my husband crazy. Whichever, I'm painting my wainscoting green.

See for yourself if you don't believe in colored moldings.

Fun, right? Not for everyone, I know. But it will work for me.
(I'm crossing my fingers)

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