Friday, November 23, 2012

{ Make some Magic this year }

When I was little my family would pick Pollyannas on Thanksgiving night. I was the youngest in the family and absolutely LOVED it. I loved it because there was a twist. The twist was that the gift had to be MADE, not bought. And I was a maker!
My brothers didn't love it as much. They were teenagers and not interested in "crafts". But they played along. Although, some years you might receive a beautiful pair of leather boots that they would try to pull off as "home-made". But some years they would play along and bake a cake or something. Everyone always hope my sister's husband, Bob, would draw their name. Bob was a carpenter and always made fabulous gifts.
Now that my kids are getting older, I think we may start this tradition in our home.

Throughout the month of December I'd like to help you MAKE something. There's nothing like a home-made gift. Even if you think you can't do it, or it wouldn't be up to the receivers standards, you need to try.
I guarantee  if the receiver will love it. They'll love the fact that you took time to create something. Even if it turns out as a total flop, you'll get a huge laugh over it and you'll create more memories then you would have with store bought gifts.

So, here's a little snippet of what you can look forward to here on The Painted Home this month.
I've been crafting and hot glue these little tidbits since July.
Each item will be show with simple instructions, so even those of you that are all thumbs will be able to follow along and make at least ONE gift this year.

Don't forget to check pinterest. I get so much inspiration there.

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