Monday, September 24, 2012

{A week of Fall DIY's - Day 1 - DIY Vintage Signs}

Welcome! The week is finally here. The week you've all been waiting for...
5 days of DIY's from yours truly.
I hope you find some great inspiration this week to bring a little of Fall into your home.
You don't need any talent to make the things I'm going to show you in the next week.  Just a few simple tools and you'll be on your way to ewwing and awing your mother in law, or your neighbor and may be even your husband.
So channel your inner crafter, grab some sharpies and let's begin!

All you need today is a scrap piece of wood (look on the side of the road, or go grab one from your neighbors scrap pile), some sharpies (or paint if you prefer), and a little pinterest inspiration.
Today's inspiration comes from Kristen at EllaClaire. I found Kristen's work when she was a finalist in Whisperwood Cottages Talent Scouting Party for Autumn decor (I'm number 7, toot toot).
I feel in love with her Pumpkin sign, and you will too.

So let's go...
Start by free handing the words you'd like on your sign. I'm super creative and copied Kristen's words
e x a c t l y.
(why fix it if it's not broken, so go ahead and copy mine too).
Don't worry if you think your printing is crappy. You want it to look hand made.
The quicker you work, the better it looks. So don't spend all day on this part people.

I also added an edge of paint around the edges (where else?).

Fill it in...

Get wild and crazy and go back with a black sharpie and create a shaddow.

Seven minutes later...

Cute, right?
Hope you liked today's idea.
Head back here tomorrow for another Fall DIY!

sharing at
DIY Show Off

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