Monday, April 16, 2012

{ G I V E A W A Y }

Happy Monday People!
We had a great day at Clover market yesterday, thanks for everyone who stopped by my space and said hello. It's so great to finally meet people I only know through the computer.

Today I am holding a GIVEAWAY on The Painted Home's facebook page.
The winner will receive ONE ticket to this weekend's workshop with me at Philadelphia Salvage. (details below)

To win a ticket you have to LIKE The Painted Home on facebook and leave a comment on the giveaway post on FACEBOOK - not here on the blog!

For a second chance to win, visit Philadelphia Salvage on facebook and look for their giveaway post.

The ticket is ONLY good for the April 21st workshop. 

Good Luck and see you at the workshop!

(More workshops are coming up in May and June ~ they will be announced on The Painted Home's Facebook page)

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