Sunday, April 29, 2012

{ Breakfast Room }

I don't really know what to call this room on the other side side of our kitchen, so I'll call it the breakfast room.
(Sounds very Southern to me)
The entire house was clean the other day for a special event, so I thought I'd take advantage and get some fresh photos of the house while it was in this rare condition.

Friday, April 27, 2012

{ More Color in the Kitchen }

If you're a regular reader, you've seen that I'm adding lot's of color around here lately.
After a recent trip to Homegoods, I found a way to add color to our kitchen as well.
(and inexpensively too!)

These coffee mugs were the perfect addition to our Spring kitchen!

linking to

The Shabby Nest

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

{ Spring Bedroom }

I love adding a little of color around my client's house's for Spring.
I've made some changes to our own bedroom this season too.
I found this charming little dresser at an auction.
My original intentions were to paint it, but I think I like it just the way it is for now.

Danny has a small table on his side of the bed, with a crate underneath to contain his pile of junk.

I added some colorful pillows and a quilt with some red in it for some more pop.

Since I found this dresser, I was able to use the old night table as a vanity on the other side of the bedroom.

Monday, April 23, 2012

{ Junque Workshop Roundup }

We held our first Junque Workshop recently.

If you're not familiar with our workshops, they are a once a month event where we show you the proper safety and use of power tools and help you design & create unique and functional home decor items.
The workshops take place at Philadelphia Salvage Co. in beautiful Mt. Airy, PA

This month's theme was recycled wood frames.
"Girls Power!"...although the workshops aren't just for girls.

Here's some of the great frames that came out of the workshop.

We used all kinds of old wood.
Barn wood, bead board, vintage studs from demoed homes, scraps, etc...
The supply from Philadelphia Salvage Co. gave us endless possibilities.

These frames were out of this world.
Every one was so creative and each frame was different.  I love the layer look on the yellow and white frame.
I could have taken home each and every one and hung them in my house!

The green frame above has four cup hooks attached to it.
The women who created of this frame is going to hang small buckets from each hook and fill the buckets with chalk for outdoor sidewalk chalk storage.

The frame below has several cups hooks attached to the center to hang jewelry from.

Everyone used the nail gun, miter saw, and other tools you might have never thought you could use!

Even scissors. lol.

Susie was a sport and agree to this pose I made her do...

It was a fun day, and we were so happy to meet some of the faces we only know in blog land!

We'll be updating our schedule soon with some fun summertime projects for our next Junque workshop.
So stay tune for more recycled goodness!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

{ Our Side Porch }

There's a little spot at the end of our driveway.
It's been bland and boring since we moved in, almost 2 years ago.
I'm obsessed with color lately, so I thought I'd add some color here.
I started with some green chairs and an umbrella I already had.

I used a door shelf that used to be in Jonas's room as a baby to hold some plants.

A trip to Philadelphia Salvage added some industrial and vintage elements to all the colorful plants.

I'm loving these rusty metal file boxes as instant flower boxes on the steps up to the front of our home.

The recycled bin had a few useful items as well.

I love adding color to this spot, since it's the first thing anyone see's when they arrive at our home.

Home Stories A2Z

Thursday, April 19, 2012

{ Gym Flooring as Chair Rail }

I've wanted to use gymnasium flooring for a while now. Ever since I saw Layla use it on the wall in her reading nook.
Well, I finally found a use for it in my home...
Sorry, no "before" pics.  'cause I'm a spaz like that. 
Once I get an idea in my head, I'm paintin' and hammerin' like an idiot and there's no time to run and get the camera.
Yes, this project took place on a random Sunday night at approximately 8pm. And it was not even on my psycho list of "things to do".

(Camille, Jonas, Lucy. In case you're wondering) most annoying no particular order.
I'm TOTALLY kidding Camille!

Behind this door lies the never ending project, also known as The Kids office.

The whole area is a little landing outside the girl's room.

Mostly it looks like this. 'Cause I keep the door shut. Girl's can be pigs. 

So, there ya have it. My fascination with gymnasium flooring used somewhere other than on a gym floor. Fulfilled.
(I cracked open the door of the kids office for ya.)

Home Stories A2Z