Tuesday, January 24, 2012

{ Powder Room Update }

It's a misleading title, I know.
It sounds like something has actually been accomplished in my powder room.
Something that only a plumber, electrician, or carpenter can do.
Alas, it's just me. Me, my ponytail holder, hot glue gun, drill, mini van...you get the idea.

In a dream world, this house would have been hopin' with all kinds of talented workers while I was away at the Philadelphia Home Show for what seemed like an eternity.  But, I don't live on a set of Extreme Home Makeover. So I came home to the house just the way I left it (umm, sort of, as in it was still standing).

There is a beautiful new floor in the powder room and laundry room.  But there's still no quarter round on the baseboard.
Did I ever tell you why this glorious event occurred? (I'm talking about the floor)

A pipe under our laundry floor was cracked. So few a few weeks, the floor looked like this.

I'm happy to have the floor back and my prized trash find back home again home again, jiggity jig.

Still working on the sink. I'm thinking of this one from Philadelphia Salvage.

I love the grass green I recently painted the walls.

but mostly happy to have my distressed blue dresser back home!

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