Monday, September 5, 2011

Modern Farm House at Jaspers Brush

My latest magazine house story is about the Edwards family who live just up the road from me at Jaspers Brush on the South Coast. The Edwards did the whole sea change thing about a decade ago but when it came to architectural styles did the complete opposite to what most of do.

When they lived in Sydney's trendy eastern suburbs they lived in a country-style weatherboard cottage. When they moved to the country - to Berry - they started off living in another country style cottage while they looked around for the perfect acreage to buy.

When they found their dream property, a small acreage on a hill looking out to the ocean in the distance, they lived in the outdated farmhouse until they were able to build their dream house.
By that time Mira and Glen were well and truly "over" country cottages. Their children were now into their teens so they decided to go for a sleek, contemporary design for the new house they wanted to build themselves.

This story is in the latest issue of Australian Womens Weekly with Ita on the cover.

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