Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pitch High

Inspired by Leah from The Inside Story's post on pitched ceilings, I would just like to say I agree wholeheartedly with her statement that a roof needs to be a certain pitch to look "right".
Sometimes I think that I fuss too much about such inconsequential things, but here I go again I'm afraid.
This photo of Ruthie Sommers' porch in the last issue of House Beautiful is a case in point. Great pitch, love the exposed trusses and the pale blue and white colour scheme.

When we moved the church hall to our house, the first thing I said to my husband was "that ceiling has to go". You see, the roof pitch is steep like most churches and it just had to be revealed.
After taking the ceiling down (which was a messy job) we took out some of the old trusses, after consulting an engineer at some expense. Then the boys put in some purpose built metal rods for added reinforcement. The whole ceiling now has to be insulated and re-lined with boards and painted - something my long-suffering Chilean painter Luis is no doubt looking forward to (NOT).
It's a very high ceiling and he could be up there for weeks!
Hopefully, eventually, it will start to look a bit like this: Love those wing back chairs, too.

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