Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's to Beautiful Brisbane Houses

These photos from stories I have done recently are typical of the graceful, older-style houses in Brisbane built up on stilts to keep them high and dry.
My husband Rob and I had plans to be up in poor old Brisbane this week but the floods changed all that. Hope all our friends and blog-friends are safe and well. We know that old mates Nigel and Ashley narrowly escaped the deluge - the water came up just under their floorboards!
To all the lovely girls I have done stories on in Brissy - I hope you and your families are safe and that your beautiful houses will get back to normal soon.
Jenny at Auchenflower, Bernardette at West End and a very pregnant Melanie at Corinda - Good Luck and take care!
Glad to hear that Anna and Simone - your gorgeous shops escaped unscathed, too.

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