Monday, January 31, 2011

Living on the iPad

I got an iPad for Christmas.
(It is an amazing thing for a girl who is a confirmed mac-aholic.) Just about the best thing I have seen lately for the iPad are the Martha Stewart Living iPad Apps - a special launch issue that came out in November, called Boundless Beauty and the February MSL issue with ice cream and dripping chocolate sauce on the cover!

Coinciding with the 20 year anniversary of the Martha Stewart Living title, the stories on Boundless Beauty combine live action, animation and stills in a way that really engages you.
I loved the "Project Decorate" where two designers decorate identical rooms in different ways.

The story shot in Martha's summer house at Seal Harbour, Maine, made me want to be extra nosey and see lots more.

This could be the way magazines are heading and as a magazine girl, I can't wait to make my own magazine stories into Apps. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes on a house shoot it would be great to capture it. I think some of the best moments on a shoot are when I am interviewing the home owner or designer or just walking around their house with them, chatting.

If you haven't got an iPad find a friend who does and download the Martha apps. If you like shelter magazines this is really something to see!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


a quick weekend project...

Home Depot - $3.97 for nine 4" tiles

coat with a spray of clear when finished...


Friday, January 28, 2011

{ Laundry Room }

I planned on waving my magic wand and giving the laundry room a whole new look
in a matter of minutes ~
it hasn't been easy.

My magic wand is on the fritz.
I have never had problems choosing paint colors.

but, the lighting in this room has me stumped.
I've painted the cabinets 3 different colors so far.
N O N E 
of them are working.

I thought I could add a few upgrades, like a butcher block counter top ~
And removing several of the cabinet doors.

I whipped up a quick burlap skirt for the bottom of the counter area - 

which makes me realize I must paint the insides of the cabinets also.
So, I've got to resolve this paint color issue.

The lighting is Hor-i-ble!

I was trying to think a little out of the box and paint the cabinets & walls something daring.
Something that still went with the rest of the house, but with a Ahh factor.

I've come up with this...
white walls.
yes, white.

something like this comes to mind, only in a laundry version.
{ if this is your room raise your hand }

I've never done white walls before.
I think that will brighten up the yellow problem.
Then the cabinets will be, well, you'll see...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i feel a change comin’ on

At the moment I have a pair of these on order…

image image


I’m totally in love with the fabric.  I’m anxious to see if I love it as much in person.  If I do, then Baby Chase may have a new nursery design coming his way.  Luckily everything that I’ve purchased for his nursery up to this point will either totally work with this fabric or is able to be returned. 

LiveJournal Tags:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Industrial Relation

That stylish library shot in the previous post belongs to designer Jill Brinson. Before she moved she used to live in her photographer husband's studio - a revamped plow factory in Atlanta.

Just LOVE the mix of antiques with industrial stuff. (You can see more at Design Sponge).
The cabinets are a great look for my Hall project. I also have old laboratory sinks for the bathroom and a huge one for the laundry.

Industrial Strength

I can't stand looking at my 'reality post' any longer - its too untidy and depressing and unfinished!
Lets imagine how the hall will look in about a year from now...

Here are a few kitchens I quite like plus a double height space from one of my favourite houses from last year which was in House Beautiful. Pic 4 is for the gorgeous Sub Zero fridge I have been coveting at Winnings Appliances.

I am leaning towards the stainless steel look - yes, thats Martha herself in the dungarees in her city galley kitchen. It IS the country here but you wont get me in overalls - you will get me in a stainless steel kitchen, however.

Love the dark grey shelving inspiration for my butlers pantry. I feel very grown up to have a Butler's Pantry, which is bigger than my whole kitchen in the city house.

Any more killer shots of industrial/country-ish kitchens will be appreciated.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Reno In Progress

The original Catholic church hall from the South Coast town of Nowra, now in our back yard.
The southern end of the hall shows how high the ceiling will be.
The laundry has a long way to go, but I like the casement windows we put in.
This is the "bridge" from the old house into the hall.
The kitchen area - shelves are where my oven etc will go - remember this for later. The butler's pantry is the door on the left.
This is the layout for the island bench with sink and stools marked.

A building site is never pretty. Apologies for the lack of visual inspiration but this post is all about real life - call it reality blogging.

Our "recycled" church hall is underway at a snail's pace, but making some progress, nevertheless. So we can all appreciate where we have come, say in six months from now, these photos of the kitchen, end wall and laundry show how ugly it can look before it starts to look like you could actually live in it.

Underneath the floor covering are lovely old boards - hopefully all in good condition. We think the building is mid 1800's which is quite old for us antipodeans.

Will keep you posted.

{ Headboards & Fluff }

The girls room is finally looking like a bedroom.
I hung these shutters on the wall for headboards.
{ yes, found in the trash and painted }
and added lots of comfy pillows and blankets in different textures.

There's still some more work to do in their room, like finish the bead board on the walls & paint it.
And, I'd love to find a large area rug.
There are lot's of fun little areas in this room { more on that later }.
For now I am content with these fluffernutter comfy cozy beds.
{ Lucy's sheet is usually white, it's hot pink today because of the great stomach bug of 2011 }

I'll be back with more on this room as it progresses.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stylish blogger award

I’m so excited because earlier this week Heather from Satisfying Spaces awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award!  I’ve seen this little award floating around the blogosphere and was hoping that someone out there would pass it on to me.  So, a big thank you to Heather from me!!

Now for the fun part.  When you get awarded the Stylish Blogger Award you are required to share 7 things about yourself.  Some of these facts may be new to you and some you may have heard before.  Here it goes…

[I thought I would throw some pretty pics in so you wouldn’t get bored reading]

1.  I have the most amazing husband in the world, and I’m so fortunate that he “gets” blogging.  He’s actually the person who introduced me to blogs in the first place.  He had one before me.


{Love this office by the way}

2.  I’m pregnant with my first child.  William Chase Holcombe will be his name, and I can’t wait until he gets here in June.

mla103122_0907_beds_xl3.  I grew up on a farm in rural Alabama in a town called Slapout.  Yes, you did read that correctly.  I did say Slap Out.

md105545_1010_4_000989_livingroom_xl4.  One weird fact about me…I don’t like to eat the part of the sandwich that I hold.  So, most of the time there is always one tiny bite of a sandwich that I don’t eat.  Don’t ask me why I do this.  I couldn’t tell ya.

mla103670_0508_pinkkids_xl5.  I am ALWAYS cold.  It could be 90 degrees outside and I’ll probably still have chill bumps. 


6.  I’m extremely indecisive when it comes to designing my own home.  I don’t have a problem coming up with a design for someone else’s though.


7.  I don’t think a meal is complete without a piece of bread, but I could care less about dessert.

I’m passing the Stylish Blogger Award onto these 3 lovely blogs that I’ve been digging lately.  Check ‘em out!

Flip Flops & Pearls


All images – Martha Stewart Living