Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Live With What You Love

This post has been inspired by a wonderful comment made on yesterday's post by Pam at Red Ticking all the way on the other side of the Pacific in Seattle.
"Live With What You Love" and why not? Life is too short to live in an interior half lived. I love colour and have painted some pretty colourful rooms in my time and most people love it but say "oh I couldn't live with that, it's not practical!"
Why not paint a room in a colour you are passionate about? If you do tire of it it's only a coat of paint.
These photos are of our old beach house and are about 10 years old according to the date stamp. Go the feature wall - so nineties!
What are some of the things you would do in your decor if you were more daring? I'd love to hear.
BTW: Those floors in the top pic were a great success - they were a disaster to begin with but it goes to show how you have to persevere. The finish is Porters white Wood Wash, with a top coat of white vinyl paint watered down and finished with water based sealer.

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