Friday, January 8, 2010

Industrial By Design

I have long been a fan of industrial antiques and fittings so was amused that someone noticed that the benches in my kitchen in the Seafarers Cottage #1 were a bit industrial.
One person who has done a nice job decorating a country house, avoiding the twee by using some well placed industrial pieces is Lyn Gardener, with her White House in Daylesford.
Industrial-inspired homewares are popping up everywhere, I only hope they don't become too cliche!
I have started stocking some industrial pieces at the shop. It began when I put an old pair of iron  gates and some ornate bath feet by the counter. Not long after an artistic lady from the Blue Mountains lay-byed the gates and about 6 other people have wanted them since.

Some of the great things coming to the shop I will put up on the blog soon:
An American claw-foot bath
a Victorian garden gate in red and cream
Blue iron driveway gates with hearts
A giant lab sink (that is a struggle for 2 men to carry!)

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