Friday, February 24, 2012

{ Button Down Wallpaper }

Yesterday my friend and helper Kristie and I added a new wall treatment to her son Harry's room.
(I realize it's not for everyone), but, we (and Harry) LOVE it!

Here's Harry's room before...

We shopped the thrift stores for men's button down shirts in the colors we liked.
The more patterns the better in this case.

We began at the bottom of the wall and stapled the shirts in a "brick" pattern.

folding the shirts in half when we got to an edge.

At the top of the wall we added wooden hangers.

Once all the shirts were in place we tucked the tails into the collar in front of it.
Hung a mirror, made the bed, and waited for Harry...

This is Harry...

The button down wallpaper is so fun, so Harry, and so hysterical.  It makes us laugh every time we look at it!

Here's the original where we got the idea from...

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The Shabby Nest

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