Monday, December 12, 2011

{ Outdoor Christmas Decorating }

My back door is the most used door in my home
(well, it's really a side door, but that seems so awkward to say).
But, I've neglected this door for far too long.
So I'm sprucing it up for Christmas with some simple things I have laying around the house.
I purchase nothing to create this back door scene...really, nothing.

I fluffed up an old chair with a throw and this black and white IKEA pillow.

The tree is wrapped in burlap and white ribbon.
I filled the bottom bucket with slices of wood to keep it from toppling over, 
along with a few ornaments.

One of my favs...the yardstick star.

I even added a felt flower pin for a pop of red.

Greens from our yard.

I layered a little of this and a little of that, tied it all together and created this swag for my garage doors.

H a p p y H o l i d a y s }

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