Saturday, August 14, 2010

Remembering Richard

At Vogue we used to wonder why all the good fashion photographers were surfers... Was it their connection with nature, understanding of the beauty of early morning light or was it just an a fine-tuned appreciation of girls in bikinis?

Perhaps Australia's most successful contemporary fashion photographer and life long surfer, Richard Bailey, passed away from cancer recently at age 52.
Dickie, with his movie star looks that hid a boyish shyness, had an extraordinary talent and drive, producing some of his hottest images in his last decade.

He had a way of entrancing models and you could almost see it in their eyes when you looked through the shots on the lightbox or computer screen. He launched the careers of many of Australia's most successful models and he will be missed enormously by all who worked with him at Vogue over his 31 year association.

His houses were always amazing. He was never without an inspiring ocean view, a great garden that he tended himself and a way with interiors that was consummate beach style.
What a shame to lose such a man, too early.

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