Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big Vintage Weekend

Today is the start of the Easter holiday weekend and a busy time for me with guests at all the beach houses and a frantic time at the shop in Berry.
I have been sourcing lots of great vintage stuff for the shop in time for this weekend, so if you happen to be passing Berry, drop in and say hello.
People always ask me where I come across these vintage "finds" but really they are everywhere, you just need to know how to re-invent them. When I pick up old things at op shops and garage sales, sometimes they just sit in my shed for a while why I think of how they can be re-worked. Sometimes its just a coat of paint, sometimes its new fabric on a lampshade or upholstery on a footstool.
The photo here from Bed Of Flowers B&B in Holland is something I look to for inspiration. I love the use of old things and traditional floral prints mixed with bright colours.

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