Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Beautiful Arrangements

These are some of the photos I took at Foxglove Spires in Tilba that didn't make the cut into the April Country Style magazine article. Sue Southam is a clever girl who makes a picture out of every corner of her home. 
The old frames hung on the tin wall of a shed makes a feature out of something which could otherwise be an eyesore (I think this is one of my favourite shots). Sue's "green room" is where she comes in from a typical day in the garden. Love the painted floor and the touches of red and yellow mixed with the mint.
The house is full of flowers that Sue grows in her own garden and she makes the most gorgeous displays of what ever is in season - here it's roses and rose hips in autumn.
Her book, Velvet Pears, is available in most bookshops. If they have run out you can order it!

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