Monday, April 29, 2013

{ Blue Paper Flowers in a Vintage Tin }

I'm not exactly sure how "vintage" this tin actually is. But, I like all the wonky colors thrown together.

and one with a photo bomber.

Friday, April 26, 2013

{ Turning a bedroom into a den }

Remember a few months ago when I flip flop rooms in our house at the spur of the moment?
Here is part of the sectional wedged between 2 floors of our house.
Did I mention I was attempting the great flip flop alone.

Yes, I single handedly move a sectional sofa from the top floor of our house (what we called the playroom, but no one ever played in it, and rarely even set foot in it) which was actually the 5th bedroom, or the "bonus room".

Then, I moved everything from our master bedroom UP 2 flights of stairs to the "playroom/bonus room".
Are you following me? 
We now have a "den" where the master bedroom was, and a master bedroom on the tippy top floor of our house in the "bonus room".
This room has great bones, with vaulted ceilings and wood beams. The down side? Green and yellow 1977 wallpaper. 

And I HATE removing wallpaper. I'll paint over it rather than remove it. But, I'd like to do this room properly. So, I've enlisted the help of a professional. 

I'll post a design board of the new master soon.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share the new den with you.
It's a work in progress, but get loads more traffic than the old "playroom".

I documented the move on instagram. so if you're an instgrammer, follow along to see what I'm up to on a day to day basis.

here's the room as a bedroom-

and more of it now as a den-

It's super cozy and cute. And, even though it still has a big fat vintage tv in it, the kids still pile on the sofa and snuggle up with a blanket to watch movies. (Way cuter than that nasty man cave, with the larger tv.)

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

{ Updating Kitchen Cabinets }

Because I can not control myself, I recently removed the doors from the underside of my penninsula in the kitchen.
Why? Because a girl can never have too many unfinished projects in every. room. of. her. house.

Here's what the kitchen looked like before the hostile takeover.

I mixed my own shade of Annie Sloan chalk paint for the body of the cabinets.
And I sent the doors away so that seeded glass can be added to the center of them.

I still love these little hooks I added on to the sides of the cabinet. Even though nothing ever hangs from them.
Okay, so now that I paint the cabinets green, what should I do with the stools?

Monday, April 22, 2013

{ Adding Artwork in the Kitchen }

I'm going to let you in on a little secret about how I decorate my home.
I buy what catches my eye, THEN I find a place for it.
It's as simple as that. If I sought out every piece in my home and was very specific about what I wanted to go where, I would not have much going on in here.
I don't have a large enough wallet to be picky.

Of course every now and then, I think of an item I would like to put in a certain spot, but for the majority of of the time. This place is pulled together by dumb luck.

I found this framed oil painting at an auction recently. I'm pretty sure I didn't pay more than $1. for it.
There was no one bidding against me.

So, how could I not leave with it.

Even if I just kept it for the frame, it's worth $1.

I like it here on the backside of my penninsula. My children will knock it down at least 200 times before I throw in the towel.
But I won't get rid of it. I'll just hang it somewhere else.
And that is what you call decorating on a budget.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

{ Vintage Treasure Chest }

If you're a flea market fanatic, like me, you know these are a dime a dozen.
(and if you're in need of one let me know)

But, this one just caught my eye and I had to move it from the garage to the house.
Maybe Mrs. Abel and I were kindred spirits in a former life. Maybe we traveled on the Titanic together?

I especially love the leather handles that are still in tact. And, the dark, almost black color of the body.

But, the best part of Mrs. Abel's trunk is the travel stickers attached to the side.

It feels right at home in the den (for now).

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

{ Vintage Red Bicycle }

Nothing screams vintage more than an old red bike. Right?
I picked one up recently at an auction and I have some fun plans for it.

It's certainly not the most original idea in the world, but it sure is a cute one. I plan to stage it outside my house with a basket of flowers tied to the handle bars.

Since I've been wrapped up in all sorts of projects lately, I thought I'd give you a teaser with the progress of this project.

I bought some really rough jute rope from the local hardware store (mom & pop's are the best for this sort of thing).
And I began wrapping the bike with the jute.
there were debates on instagram over it, but the jute won in the end.

I was 20 feet in with the jute when I ran out. Clearly, my estimation skills were off that day.
I plan on eventually getting back to the store to purchase 30 more feet, but you know how that goes. 

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