Friday, February 24, 2012

{ Button Down Wallpaper }

Yesterday my friend and helper Kristie and I added a new wall treatment to her son Harry's room.
(I realize it's not for everyone), but, we (and Harry) LOVE it!

Here's Harry's room before...

We shopped the thrift stores for men's button down shirts in the colors we liked.
The more patterns the better in this case.

We began at the bottom of the wall and stapled the shirts in a "brick" pattern.

folding the shirts in half when we got to an edge.

At the top of the wall we added wooden hangers.

Once all the shirts were in place we tucked the tails into the collar in front of it.
Hung a mirror, made the bed, and waited for Harry...

This is Harry...

The button down wallpaper is so fun, so Harry, and so hysterical.  It makes us laugh every time we look at it!

Here's the original where we got the idea from...

linking up to
The Shabby Nest

diy mobile app, diy


Home Stories A2Z

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I think every designer has hopes of seeing their work in print one day.  I’m so excited because Cottages & Bungalows and the Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Homefinder both featured my work this month.

Cottages & Bungalows magazine featured a guest bedroom from a house I designed in Dallas, Texas in their “Inspiring Bedrooms” article.




[Cottages & Bungalows]

An office and bar area that I designed in the same Dallas home was featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution Homefinder along with a children’s room that I designed locally.  Also featured in the article were designers Christiane Lemieux, founder and creative director of DwellStudio, and Carter Kay, owner of Carter Kay Interiors.






A big thank you to Cottages & Bungalows and AJC Homefinder for including me in these issues!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

{ Adding Color }

And now.. I crave more color.  I don't know if it's because of the long
gloomy days of winter, or just want to add a little spice.

The pillows were taken from the play room sofa. 'Cause they were a little sick of being thrown on the floor.
They're much happier here.

I made the sign after searching "signs" on pinterest for ideas. Pennasault is a lake in Canada were my husband used to go in the summer with his family.
If any of my Canadians friends now of it or of a summer camp that used to be there, we'd love to hear any info you might know about it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

{ Felt & Boys }

We've been making a ton of felt flowers around here lately.
And I was feeling like I wanted to use some of these great felt colors in Jonas's room.
His room is the most colorful in the house (so is he, btw),
so these felts flags were a perfect accent for above his bed.

Cute & Easy
(Oh and P.S. he told me "I hate those flags" right before he went to bed last night.
Awe, what a sweetie.

linking to

Friday, February 10, 2012

{ Spring Flowers }

Although we're expecting snow this weekend, I can't help but prepare for SPRING!
Here's a sneak peak at this seasons collections of headbands, pins, wrist-lets, etc...

Order directly from me
or host your own Dine & Design and learn how
to make them yourself along with your favorite group
of girlfriends. (no prior crafty experience required ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{ Nanny Goat Antiques }

Do you know NannyGoat Antiques?
If you're from around here (the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA)
you should get to know them this Fri, Sat and Sunday. (Feb. 10, 11, 12)
NannyGoat hosts & participates in occasional
sales and pop-up markets in & around Philadelphia all year.

They are pickers, repurposers, sellers of all things funky & junky, chippy & primitive, industrial & salvage, shabby chic & cottage-style, rustic & architectural, vintage-inspired,or just plain fabulous!
I was thrilled when the girls from Nannygoat asked me to stage a room in their estate sale.
So, be sure to stop by the sale, pick up some great vintage items, and see how I turned a Brady Bunch rec room/den into a fabulous entertainment haven!
Also, for a fun surprise...I'll be at the estate sale Saturday to give a presentation on what to do with all this great stuff you bring home from sales like these.
Times are still being determined so check Nannygoat's facebook page often.

{ Dine & Design }

Dine & Design is back...
If you live in or around the Philadelphia suburbs and have been thinking
of getting your girlfriends together for a night of fun and crafts, this is for you....
Host a Dine & Design at your home this Spring!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back in print

I was lucky enough to photograph some beautiful houses on a recent trip to Queensland. The first to be published is Melinda from LilyG's house in sunny Brisbane.
Her "Queenslander" house has been superbly renovated and as the Queen of accessories, she has filled it with interesting textures and colour.
Melinda tells me the phone has not stopped ringing since the magazine came out this month (Aust. Womens Weekly with Meryl Streep on the cover).
As per usual, I have included some shots that were not published.

Monday, February 6, 2012

{ Mini Office & a Winner }

If you follow my facebook page,
(and you should, 'cause there's lots of great 
eye candy and updates not found here),
you know what we've been up to around here.
The kid's are getting their own office.
That's right, an office for the littles.
I found tons of inspiration on  Pinterest Logo (you can follow me there too)
Like this image ...
Pinned Image

The kids are getting a little too used to using my computer.
And, with things getting a little hectic around here, I thought we could all use our own work space.
So, I started this project a few days ago. No photos to share with you yet, but we're getting there.
Here's some of the things we're using to pull this whole thing together.
BoardDudes Canvas Style Cork Board 14x14
Minwax Quart Dark Walnut Stain

8 oz. Milk Pail Interior Paint Tester # MSL122

One more thing...
We're attempting to put this "office" together with ONLY found items around our house (or a friend's house).

The winner of the NOVICA gift card is Blondie from 
Blondie's Journal