Friday, September 30, 2011

The Do’s & Do’s of Gallery Walls

Nope, you didn’t read that wrong. I did mean to say “do’s and do’s”. After I posted my blog post on Monday about gallery walls I got so many emails with questions about them. Most were asking if there are any rules to creating a gallery wall. I’m here to gladly say that there really are no rules to gallery walls. The only “don’t” that I can think of is “don’t” be afraid to experiment and think outside the box.

Gallery walls tend to be very scary to the general public because there are no true guidelines to them. I’m hoping that for those of you who are intimidated by them, this post will help you out a little.

Do #1: Mix and Match Frame Styles

Don’t feel confined to using one style of frame. You can pretty much use any style and size you want. This is the perfect time to mix traditional with modern, square with round and framed with unframed. 

[image via Decorator Dozen]

Do #2: Feel Free to Use the Same Frame Color

To give your gallery wall a more crisp look you can use the same color frames. When using the same color you can do two different arrangements…1.) All the same shape in a more structured pattern, or 2.) Different shapes in a more loose and scattered pattern. 

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[image via Elements of Style]

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[image – yhl]

Do #3: The More the Merrier

When doing a gallery wall make sure you go all out. Don’t just stop at 3 pieces. Go big! Feel free to fill up an entire wall. It will make for a truly interesting conversation piece in your home. Don’t feel like you have to achieve this overnight though. You can start small, and then add on as you collect new pieces.

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[image via Elements of Style]


[image via I Suwannee]

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[image via Kentucky Mama]

Do #4: Mix and Match Art Styles

Combine abstract art and still lifes, portraits and line drawings, watercolors and Crayola masterpieces(…from the kiddos). They will all become one big happy family once they are hung together.

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[image – kate spade]

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[image via Rusty Hinges]

Do #5: Have Fun! 

Gallery walls are the perfect way to tell a story about your life as well as let your personal style shine through. So, have fun with it. If the spacing between each piece isn’t exactly the same don’t sweat it. Add some quirky pieces in just for the fun of it.

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[image – kate spade]

Designer Tips…

Here’s a great tip for creating your gallery wall. Arrange all of your artwork out on the floor prior to hanging. By arranging your artwork on the floor you can see how it all works together, and you can move pieces around to create that perfect arrangement.  It’s much easier than hanging the art on the wall and having to patch a lot of holes when you need to change the arrangement. 

Another tip that I got from John and Sherry is hanging newspaper on the wall in the shape of the artwork first to make sure you hang the arrangement in the correct location.  I used this technique when I hung the gallery wall in my son’s room and it worked wonderfully.



Chase Nursery 6

Happy Hanging!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4 Months

It’s hard to believe that today my favorite little man is 4 months old.  My how time flies and my heart grows.  Every day I fall deeper in love… 

**Photos by Angela Wilson Photography.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

{ Restoration Hardware Knock - Off }

Ahh, Restoration Hardware...
your tea stained burlap,
 your salvaged wood,
your weathered oak,
how I love you.
But, I don't love your prices.

Concrete Rectangular Dining Table

Love this concrete topped table.
(although I thought it was a weathered metal when 
I first saw it - so we're goin' with that thought)

Remember our Man-Cave?
and this?

well, I didn't have the $3,325. to shell out to R.H.
So I improvised.

thanks Martha.

with a little dab of this rubbed over top 
of the metallic paint, to gives it a more
weathered look.

and the make-shift pine bar top became this...

it's much better now.
So, what was once a stand-in top 'til we
had more money to purchase something else,
has become a conversation piece and more than just a stand-in
in the Man-Cave.

I added metal brackets to the corners for more of the "Restoration Hardware feel".

linking to -

The Shabby Nest

good one

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gallery Walls

I’m a sucker for a good gallery wall.  I was doing some clean up in my inspiration files and kept coming across pictures of them. 




[Kate Spade]

1600 Fam 17

[Caitlin Creer]


[Design Indulgence]



yhl hallway-progress2

[Young House Love]



[Canadian House & Home]





**If any of you know where the [unknown] images are from please comment so that I can give credit.  I didn’t do a great job of saving the source on these images.

Some people are intimidated by a gallery wall because of the loose form.  While I was doing a quick search on Pinterest, I found this hanging guide.  It gives some examples for creating a gallery wall of your own.  This is such a great starting point for creating your own gallery wall if you aren’t quite sure how. 


{ Pumpkins }

I'm running this post again, cause it was such a hit the first time in
October of 2010.
Loved this idea last year, and hoping I have
time to do it again this year in my fireplace.

Our mantel wall is slightly different 
than this now.

You can see what the room looks like now - here.
But, I love the simplicity of last year's Fall mantel.

I still plan on using the bats in this year's mantel.
(it never grows old for my kids)

Stay tuned for this years version!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Perfect Settee

I’ve been thinking about getting a settee for my family room.  I have a spot that needs some kind of seating and I think a settee will be perfect.  Here are the ones I’ve come across in my search…I’m still on the lookout for that perfect one.





[No. 4 is probably my fave at the moment]







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