Tuesday, August 30, 2011

{ Using Yardsticks }

I can't wait to find a use for these around my home...

I got a great deal on dozens of them.
The only catch?
They are new, not vintage.

So I dirtied them up a bit to make
them a bit more "vintagey".

I think I can make it work.
I found some great inspiration pics 
{I finally joined}

Great stuff, right?
Not sure what I'll try first.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

{How to turn a pantry into an Armoire}

Here's the before.
Ehh, okay, right?
But not me.
Too vanilla.
And I am NOT vanilla.

Much better after a coat of 
Martha Stewart's Milk Pail

After that, I added a coat of brown glaze all over
to age the pantry a bit.

then, I needed to decide on which "knobs" to use.
I use the term "knobs: lightly, 'cause they're not really knobs.  
They're a collection of finials I've collected over the years.

I wanted to use knobs, but I'm 
trying to be economical.
And heck, what am I collecting these
finials for anyway?
If I like them so much to collect them 
in a jar, why not use them, right?
So, I settled on these guys.

 and, as if I haven't beaten the vintage paper thing enough yet...

 I added some to the inside of the door.
'Cause, why not?

So, grab some paint and paint something in 
YOUR kitchen today.
Just paint it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

{ How to Bring in the Color }

My bedroom was looking a little weak to me.
then I saw this..

Katie, from Clarendon Lane painted her 
pantry door this color, and I loved it.

{milk pail}

I knew my room was missing 
C O L O R !


Much better, right?
All is takes is a little paint to transform a space,
any space. a room, a wall,
even a piece of furniture.

So don't be afraid.
Add a little color.
Move things around the house.
Trash pick.
You'll be happy you did
(p.s. - most of these suitcases were found in the trash)

I plan on storing my summer/winter clothes in here.

The Lettered Cottage

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{ Coffee Sacks }

A few weeks ago 
a nice women gave me these...

they hung on the line for a 
L O N G time!

then, I finally found a use for them...
it started with a huge one of these
(which another nice women gave me)
p.s. - people are always giving you things that they'd
otherwise throw away when they know you always 
make things out of other people trash.

add up all the freebies and you have this - 

minus the handsome 3 year old - only I have him!

I think this board will go to the new
Gourmet Food Market & Boutique
at the Elkins Park, PA train station
{stop by and have some yummies if your local}

another one of the cork boards will go to 
my faithful assistant in his room.

he chose the photos himself btw.

moving on...
this poor sink has been naked for some time now.
I just couldn't find the right skirt.

found it.

So, there ya go.  A few projects for literally 
and a lot more up my sleeves.
'cause there doesn't seem to be an end
to this supply of coffee bags.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

{ Jonas's Room & Palette Project }

I know I've never really given 
you the full tour of Jonas's Room.
So, why start now?
But, here's a little a sneak peak.
And, another use for shipping palettes.

the perfect spot to slide in his books

& rustic enough to contrast with his black metal bed.

a few tricks to keeping a 3 year old's room somewhat tidy...

S T O R A G E 

he's surrounded by it-

makes it easy to toss and hide all his goodies.

good one

Transformation Thursday

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Operation * Shipping * Palette - Part * ONE}

I'm on it...

(the bandwagon, that is)

goodbye burlap, chalkboard, vintage paper projects.
Hello Shipping Palette

Formerly the dregs of society,
sitting on the side of the road,
begging for you to take them.
Holding their pathetic 
F R E E signs.

They have risen in the ranks and are now being sought out
and adopted by insane DIYers like you and me.


So, join me as I take on my latest obsession -
the wooden shipping palette

Project #1

a few chops of the chop saw later...

now, on to the next palette project.

good one


 The DIY Show Off