Friday, December 31, 2010

{ Eye Candy }

We're away on a mini vaca ~
So, while away enjoy these random images I've saved for some time now.
{ Happy New Year }
*all from Cottage Living*

hope your all staying warm and cozy

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I’m back with one last unplanned post for Christmas Day.  I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas holiday with your families.  We are really excited bout the possibility of snow here in Atlanta!  My mom, who is visiting from Huntsville, has been getting texts and pictures all morning from her friends telling her about the 3” they have on the ground so far.  It’s supposed to be headed this way so we’ve got our fingers crossed that we will have a white Christmas! 

Here are the last few pictures of holiday decorations that I have to post for my Christmas Time series.  I promise these are the last ones.  :o)   These pictures come from Blayne Beacham of This Photographer’s Life who lives in Atlanta.  Blayne’s home looks so beautiful this year.  I wonder how many of those Christmas presents have been opened by now.  Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your home at Christmas time Blayne!



{Images – Blayne Beacham}

Merry Christmas to all!

Real Living -Leah's Inside Story

Are you enjoying your break? I hope you are. I'm spending some time with family and friends and hoping the phone doesn't ring ...

I love to do stories in my local area to share what I love about it with the rest of the world.

In this month's cracker issue of Real Living there is a story we did on Leah Atkins (check out her wonderful blog Leah-The Inside Story). I met Leah about five years ago when she and her mother started "Home At Last" in Milton, one of the best homewares stores on the South Coast.
Leah is an incurable creative with a well-honed stylist's vision. Every corner of her house is a beautiful still life. I first did a story on Leah and partner Dave about three years ago. Since then they moved away to a new house they were building and moved back in again and it was interesting to see how her style had evolved and what she changed now she had a chance to revisit.

The biggest change was the colour palette. She has taken most of the colour out and gone for a more neutral grey theme mixed with natural textures. The other big difference was that she has painted the floorboards all white to create a lighter backdrop. It has definitely worked a treat and gives the house a fresher, more unified look.

Leah is always working on a new project and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. Luckily for Leah, Dave is a builder and talented cabinet maker so he can make just about anything she dreams up. His current project is Leah's garden "shed" but something tells me its going to be more than a colourbond lock-up!

Check out her blog - her recent posts showing her christmas decorations and "practice" christmas table are fabulous.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Real Living Stories

One last post before knocking off for Christmas celebrations...
I had almost forgot to post that I have 2 stories in this month's Real Living magazine! I was up in Sydney in a mad frenzy and bumped into it at the newsagent. It's a cracker issue and a great holiday flick, so grab a copy to take to the beach.
First up is the colourful home of Melanie Parker who works with the fabulous Anna Spiro (Absolutely Beautiful Things) at Black & Spiro in Brisbane. Mel is an adorable girl who has done a great job decorating her first home (with hubby Stuart) with lots of vintage finds and confident colours.
I don't know how she finds the time, but Mel also runs homewares business Ivy and Piper with good friend Elizabeth Raptis and they have a great new online magazine.
Here are some shots from the story as well as a few that didn't make the final cut. We narrowly missed out on getting the cover with the top shot - oh well...

I'd also like to thank you for dropping by my blog this year. I have really enjoyed your comments and feedback and getting to know all of you out there in this online world of all things stylish!
Please take care and enjoy the festive season wherever you are in the world.

Almost Christmas Time

I hope you all have enjoyed seeing the fun holiday decor that all the readers have sent in.  I have really enjoyed getting a sneak peek inside some of your homes.  Today will be the last installment of the Christmas Time Series.  Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their fun holiday pictures.  I hope you and your families have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I’ll be taking the rest of the year off from blogging and will return with a new blog post onn January 4th. 

Before I share today’s holiday pics, I thought I would share our Christmas card with you.  Billy and I had a blast making making them. 

Happy Holidays Everyone!

xo, Cristi



Today, Stacy who lives in Macon, GA and writes the blog Simply Delicious is giving us a little glimpse of her home.  Stacy is always posting yummy, gluten free recipes on her blog.

hood Tree

 door table

And my absolute favorite picture of all is this close up picture of Stacy’s Auburn ornament.  I’m super-excited about this year’s National Championship Game and so is Stacy.  WAR EAGLE!!! 


{Images – Stacy – Macon, GA}

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More Christmas Time Decor

Today’s bit of Christmas decorating comes from a few different places.  First up is Melissa author of the blog Living a Beautiful Life from Manchester, New Hampshire.  Earlier this year Melissa’s cozy home was featured on ApartmentTherapy.comCLICK HERE to tour Melissa’s mid-centery modern home.

Exteriorcollage Tree {Images above – Melissa - Manchester, New Hampshire}

Next up is Barbara from right here in Atlanta.  Barbara lives in a high-rise in the heart of Midtown and has done a fantastic job of making the most out of her space.  My favorite picture of all is the way she has decorated her modern model home with miniature Christmas trees.  It’s adorable!

modern house

christmas decor ornament holder

trees on shelves

And lastly is Glenda from Holtville, Alabama whose tree is beautiful.  Christmas trees are so hard to photograph but Glenda’s tree looks wonderful.tree 021 041

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in their lovely Christmas decor photos to be featured on my blog.  I’m planning to do one more post before Christmas so please send in your photos if you would like me to feature them on the last “Christmas Time” post.  The details on how to send in your photo can be found HERE.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Time + A Winner

Before I get to today’s Christmas Time pics I want to announce the winner of the beautiful pillows from the Taylor Galen Workroom.  imageAnd the winner is Tina Steele Lindsey. Tina is one absolutely amazing artist.  If you haven’t seen her work you must check it out.  CLICK HERE to go to Tina’s blog.

Thanks so much to Taylor Galen from Outside the Workroom for giving away the pillows.  Taylor also sent a picture of her door to share with us.

Taylor Door {Taylor Galen – Atlanta, GA}

Next up is Melissa from Norcross, GA.  I love the white theme that Melissa has going throughout her house.

Christmas7 Christmas11

The galvanized bucket in lieu of a skirt is such a creative idea.Christmas6

{3 mages – Melissa – Norcross, GA}

These place settings are beautiful and reindeer plate is adorable.  Love them!

Thanks Taylor and Melissa for sharing your holiday decor!

Monday, December 20, 2010

{ Feature }

look at me!

I am totally honored that Cassity over at Remodelaholic is featuring our teeny little den today.

Thanks Cassity!

The Gardenia Hedge

One of my favourite things about summer is the smell of gardenias. When I was a little girl, I planted a gardenia tree outside my bedroom window so I could smell the perfume when the window was open on warm summer nights.
I now have a gardenia hedge which, despite being neglected this year, has nevertheless produced beautiful blooms. This would be thanks to the weeks of wet weather, most likely.
I keep a bunch on my desk so I have the fragrance with me all day and park my car near the hedge so I can smell the flowers every time I go out!

Christmas Time

Well, somehow I managed to get all of my Christmas shopping completed in two days.  I will hopefully never ever have to wait until the last minute again.  It wasn’t too fun braving the hoards of people who were out doing the same thing I was doing, but at least it’s over with.  Now I can try to relax for the rest of this week and do some really important stuff like baking. 

Last week I asked for readers to send in pictures of their homes decorated for Christmas so that I could share them with everyone.  Up first is is Kelly’s from Columbus, OH, and here is a link to Kelly’s blog 1551 Transformed.


IMG_1792 Cute pooch!


Adding Christmas lights to your wine bottles is such a festive way to decorate your kitchen or bar area.

IMG_1770 IMG_1774 IMG_1802

{images – kelly}

Kelly, thanks for sharing your pictures with us. 

What a beautiful home! 

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